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『皆殺しの天使』 ©1991 Video Mercury Films

Luis Buñuel

The Exterminating Angel , Viridiana, Simon of the desert


Apr. 10Apr. 22, 2018

The Exterminating Angel (El ángel exterminador)
Simon of the desert (Simón del desierto)
Un chien andalou

■Running Time
Apr. 10~13

12:30  The Exterminating Angel
14:20  Viridiana
16:30  Simon of the desert, Un chien andalou

Apr. 14, 15
12:30  Viridiana
14:20  Simon of the desert, Un chien andalou
15:45  The Exterminating Angel

Apr. 17~22
12:30  Simon of the desert, Un chien andalou
14:00  The Exterminating Angel
16:00  Viridiana

The Exterminating Angel: Adults ¥1,500/College Students and High School Students and over 60 ¥1,200
Viridiana: Adults ¥1,500/College Students and High School Students and over 60 ¥1,200 

Simon of the desert + Un chien andalou: Adults ¥1,100/College Students and High School Students and over 60 ¥1,000 

The Exterminating Angel

©1991 Video Mercury Films

After a lavish dinner party, the guests find themselves mysteriously unable to leave the room... and over the next few days all the elaborate pretenses and facades that they've built up by virtue of their position in society collapse completely as they become reduced to living like animals...

Country: Mexico Language: Spanish
Director: Luis Buñuel Writers: Luis Buñuel
Stars: Silvia Pinal, Jacqueline Andere, Enrique Rambal


©1991 Video Mercury Films

Viridiana, a young novice about to take her final vows as a nun, accedes to a request from her widowed uncle to visit him. Moved purely by a sense of obligation, she does so. Her uncle is moved by her resemblance to his late wife to attempt to seduce Viridiana, and tragedy ensues. In the aftermath, Viridiana tries to assuage her guilt by creating a haven for the destitute folk who live around her uncle's estate. But from these good intentions, too, comes little good.

Country: Spain | Mexico Language: Spanish | English
Director: Luis Buñuel Writers: Julio Alejandro, Luis Buñuel
Stars: Silvia Pinal, Francisco Rabal, Fernando Rey

Simon of the desert (Simón del desierto)

©1991 Video Mercury Films

The ascetic Simón believes he is a sinner and decides to self-inflict a sacrifice, living like a hermit on the top of a pedestal in the middle of the desert to be closer to God and resist the temptations of the world. His followers are peasants and travelers that believe that Simón is a saint capable of performing miracles and they crowd to hear his speeches. However, Satan tries to tempt him with the pleasures of the world.

Country: Mexico Language: Spanish | Latin
Director: Luis Buñuel Writers: Luis Buñuel
Stars: Claudio Brook, Silvia Pinal, Enrique Álvarez Félix

Un chien andalou
Luis Buñuel and Salvador Dalí present seventeen minutes of bizarre, surreal imagery. A surrealistic film with input from Salvador Dalí. Director Luis Buñuel presents stark, surrealistic images including the slitting open of a woman's eye and a dead horse being pulled along on top of a piano. A mysterious film open to interpretations ranging from deep to it all meaning absolutely nothing. It is certain that this short (17 minute) film presented something new in the cinema of its day.

Country: France Language: French
Director: Luis Buñuel Writers: Salvador Dalí, Luis Buñuel
Stars: Pierre Batcheff, Simone Mareuil, Luis Buñuel


Guest Talk (in Japanese)
Apr. 14 (Sat) , after the 15:45 screening
Guests (Tentative): Kiichiro Yanashita