Closed day

Wind 1936

Vision of the Modernist

The Universe of Photographer HORINO Masao

Mar. 6May. 6, 2012

  • Mar. 6May. 6, 2012
  • Closed Monday(if Monday is a national holiday or a substitute holiday, it is the next day) ,No closures during the Golden Week holidays (April 29-May 6)
  • Admission:Adults ¥700/College Students ¥600/High School and Junior High School Students, Over 65 ¥500

The Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography is delighted to welcome you to Vanished Photographer: The World of Horino Masao, its exhibition from the collection for fiscal 2011.

Horino Masao (1907 – 1998), a leading light in Japan's New Photography (Shinko shashin) movement, is a photographer who is essential to any consideration of the formation of modern photography in Japan. Horino gave up photography after World War II, however, and, while his name appears in histories of photography, many have lost sight of his extensive, and highly varied, achievements as a photographer. His work and its critical position in the history of photography have thus been insufficiently appreciated. Younger researchers in the history of photography, design, and the media, however, have become intensely interested in Horino, and their work has begun to produce results.

This exhibition presents a wide variety of Horino's work: theater photographs and portraits, mainly concerning the Tsukiji Little Theatre, and photographs of New Japanese Dance (Shinko Buyo) from the 1920s, and works that were conceived of as experiments in pursuit of the true nature of a new photography, including photomontages published in the magazines Camera: Eye x Steel: Composition and Hanzai kagaku. It also presents work that addresses the social realities of modern Japan, after Horino redefined himself as a photojournalist, that explores the image of the new, modern woman, and that represented his practice up through the latter half of the 1930s, including photographs shot on the Asian mainland, including Korea and China.

These photographs and related materials not only present a full picture of Horino Masao, a photographer who had effectively vanished from our consciousness, but also help to build a new view of the history of Japanese photography, especially in the 1930s.

《題不詳(着物のモード)》  1934~38年 《朝鮮風俗》1938年頃
left)Title unknown (Woman in kimono) 1933
right)Korean Customs(1) c.1938

《大東京の性格》編輯・板垣鷹穂、『中央公論』 1931年10月号より 《優秀船に関する研究》1930~31年 『カメラ・眼×鉄・構成』より
left)The Character of Greater Tokyo Art Direction: Takao Itagaki; photography: Masao Horino
Chuokoron, Chuokoron-sha October, 1931
right)Exploring Superior Ships, Camera: Eye x Steel: Composition 1930

《乞食》1932年 《ポーズ(崔承喜)》1931年 《女学生の行進》「ガスマスク行進、東京」より、1934~39年 《横山大観》1934~39年
from left
1)The Beggar 1932
2)Pose (Sai Shoki) 1931
3)Girls Drill for Poison Gas Attack: Gas-Mask Parade in Tokyo 1936~39
4)Yokoyama Taikan c.1933


Mar. 9 (Fri) 16:00~
Mar. 23 (Fri) 16:00~
Apr. 13 (Fri) 16:00~
Apr. 27 (Fri) 16:00~