We are open today.(10:00-18:00)

China Film Week in Tokyo & Okinawa 2013


Oct. 19Oct. 23, 2013

  • Official Site → http://cjiff.net/

  • Contact: NPO法人日中友好映画祭実行委員会 03-5148-2095
  • Oct. 19Oct. 23, 2013
  • Closed October 21 (Mon)
  • Admission:Adults \1500

【Running Time】

 October 19 (Sat)   11:10 Ocean Heaven 
 13:20 Lost In Thailand
 15:40 Dragon
October 20 (Sun)  11:10 Singing When We Are Young 
 13:30 Finding Mr. Right
 16:10 American Dreams in China
 18:40 Lost In Thailand
October 22 (Tue)  11:10 Dragon
 13:40 Finding Mr. Right
 16:20 American Dreams in China
 18:50 Love For Life
October 23 (Wed)  11:10 Lost In Thailand
 13:30 Finding Mr. Right
 16:10 Singing When We Are Young
 18:30 American Dreams in China

『Lost In Thailand』
Chinese comedy film directed by Zheng Xu
Lost in Thailand is the story of two rival business managers, Xu and Bo catches the first plane to Bangkok meets the happy-go-lucky Wang, an unexpected travel companion.

『Finding Mr. Right』
Starring by two Chinese super star
City girl Jiajia is traveling to Seattle to give birth to the son.
There the only person willing to spend time with her is her driver Frank.

『American Dreams in China』
Chinese dream in USA
It begins in 1985, during China's national study-abroad craze, a time when undergraduates are infatuated with America and believe it's their only hope of a good future.

『Singing When We Are Young』
A heartrending highschool love story
The most popular girl in class and a nerd hardly interact, but one song brings them together. A heartrending highschool love story.

Starring Takeshi Kaneshiro
Early Republican China at Liu Village on the border of Yunnan.A sinful martial arts expert wants to start a new tranquil life, only to be hunted by a determined detective and his former master.

©2011 We Pictures Ltd. Stellar Mega Films Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

『Ocean Heaven』
Jet Li in his first full drama role.
Sam Wong's son has autism. Sam has looks after him day and night attempting to help him learn basic tasks in order to care for himself, as well as searching for a home for his son before he passes away.

©2010, Nice Select Limited. All Rights Reserved.

The best movie ever
Wong was convicted of murdering Eva and was sentenced to a long prison term. Wong is now released on parole and he starts stalking a young pianist called Zoe. She resembles Eva in appearance.

© 2012, Irresistible Delta Limited, Edko Films Limited, Sil-Metropole Organisation Limited. All Rights Reserved.

『Love For Life』
Starring Zhang Ziji and Aaron Kwok
Set in a small Chinese village, where an illicit trade in human blood has resulted in the spread of HIV, two fellow AIDS sufferers unexpectedly fall in love with each other.

©2012, Irresistible Delta Limited, Edko Films Limited, Sil-Metropole Organisation Limited. All Rights Reserved.