Akira Kurosawa Centenary Exhibition
All For Cinema
Sep. 4—Oct. 11, 2010
- Sep. 4—Oct. 11, 2010
- Closed Monday(if Monday is a national holiday or a substitute holiday, it is the next day)
- Admission:Adults ¥1,000/College Students ¥800/High School and Junior High School Students, Over 65 ¥700
2010 is a landmark year for the film director Akira Kurosawa, as it marks the centenary of his birth on March 23rd, 1910 and the 12th anniversary of his passing on September 6th, 1998.
Although he continues to thrill and touch the hearts of many through the silver screen, the young Kurosawa initially aspired to become a painter and was talented enough to have his works admitted to the prestigious Nika Art Exhibition at the age of 18. Subsequently however, he decided to pursue a career in movie production; resolutely turning his back on painting and burning all the works he had completed to date. Over half a century later and with the film production of KAGEMUSHA facing shelving due to budgetary constraints, he took up his paintbrush again to paint the “storyboards” with the pure wish to show “everyone in the world at least the still images, if not the motion picture.” When we view the finished films, we marvel at how precisely the emotions of the characters, costumes, sets, lighting, and framing and composition depicted in the storyboards are replicated by the films. It is as if they were all already complete in Kurosawa’s mind when he drew the storyboards. Viewing these exquisitely executed storyboards takes us to the origin of Kurosawa’s movies, acclaim reflected in comments such as “each frame is as beautiful as a piece of photography.” Although often called a genius or virtuoso, few were aware of the painstaking preparation he undertook behind the scenes.
Thanks to the generous cooperation of the Kurosawa Production, this Exhibition will give you an insight, not only into the storyboards but also some of the wealth of memos and notes he left in an attempt to unravel the secrets of his artistry and outpouring passion for film-making.

KAGEMUSHA "The Battlefiled at Shidaragahara"
RAN "Green Field: Hidetora on the Hunting"

YUME "Dazzling Dance of Hina Dolls"