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Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia 2023

Screening in Autumn


Oct. 19Oct. 22, 2023

■Screening Program
About details : Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia 2023 Screening in Autumn Screening Program

■Admission : free
About details : Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia 2023 Screening in Autumn Ticket Information

Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia (SSFF & ASIA), one of the biggest international short film festivals in Asia, will hold an annual “Screening in Autumn” at the Tokyo Photographic Art Museum from Thu, October 19th to Sun, 22nd . It will also be held online from Thu, October 28th to Fri, October 27th.

This year, the event will also be held at satellite venues at “Hibiya Cinema Festival 2023” in Tokyo Midtown Hibiya from Fri. October 13th to Sun. October 22nd. A short film screening will also be held from Mon. October 16th to Wed. October 18th at the Theater Guild in Daikanyama. Also, a screening and seminar event of BRANDED SHORTS will be held on October 17th (Tuesday) at Akasaka Intercity Conference.

SSFF & ASIA, now in its 25th year, received 5,215 entries from 120 countries & regions around the world, screening over 200 films. To be screened at the Screening in Autumn will be “The Bridge,” (Poland/Japan – Animation Competition), winner of the Grand Prix=George Lucas Award, the only award named after director George Lucas which was announced in June. In addition to the award-winning films from each competition that have the potential to become Oscar nominees next year, including a film starring Eita Nagayama, which won the japan Competition Best Short Award, there is also a film that won the Audience Award, which received the most votes from our festival audience: Mansai Nomura’s directorial debut, “Tiger Cave”. As well as films selected by film festival programmers, these short films will be featured in 6 different themed programs – “Kids are Alright,” “Wandering Souls,” “Footprints of That Person,” “Who is the Enemy!?,” “Story Around Chigau (difference),” and “Things in Transition.” Also, as a special screening, a program featuring Korean short films will include “TRAP by Seo In Guk” , the winner of Global Spotlight Award.

Further more, we will be holding a special screening of Nikon Photo Contest 2022-2023 Short Film Competition, top prize winners selected among from about 2,000 submissions.

*The schedule is subject to change. Any further changes will be announced.