Official Site → http://www.crest-inter.co.jp/
- Contact: Crest international 03-3589-3176
- Mar. 17—Mar. 31, 2019
- Closed Mar. 18, 23, 25
- Admission:¥1,800
The Prince of Salina, a noble aristocrat of impeccable integrity, tries to preserve his family and class amid the tumultuous social upheavals of 1860's Sicily.
- Screening and Lecture
Mar. 17
, after the 10:30 screening
~Guest (Tentative): Yasushi Yamashita(Blu-ray Director, WOWOW PLUS INC.)
Mar. 21 (Thu) , before the 14:30 screening ~Guest (Tentative): Sahoko Hata(Film Critic)
Mar. 24 (Sun) , before the 14:30 screening ~Guest (Tentative): Suminobu Kishi(Opera Researcher)
Mar. 30 (Sat) , before the 14:30 screening ~Guest (Tentative): Masaki Daibo(Film Archivist, National Film Archive of Japan)