
Adachi Masao / Iwabuchi Susumu / Nonomura Masayuki / Yamazaki Yutaka / Sasaki Mamoru / Matsuda Masao, A.K.A. Serial Killer, 1969, 4K Single-channel projection (original 35mm), Collection of Tokyo Photographic Art Museum

After the Landscape Theory

Aug. 11Nov. 5, 2023

  • Aug. 11Nov. 5, 2023
  • Closed Mondays (except when Monday falls on a holiday, in which case the museum is open and closed the following day)
  • Admission:Adults ¥700 (560)/College Students ¥560 (440)/High School and Junior High School Students, Over 65 ¥350 (280) *Prices in parenthesis apply to groups of 20 or more. (Reservation is required.) , admission is free for grade school children or younger; junior high school students living or attending schools in the Tokyo metropolitan area and holders of Japan’s disability identification cards (shogaisha techo) together with two caregiver, and holders of the museum’s annual passport (check the Passport benefits at a glance)

The Tokyo Photographic Art Museum is pleased to present the exhibition After the Landscape Theory.
Landscape, epitomized by landscape painting that dates back to the early Renaissance, has been a core theme of Western modern art and the discussion of the relationship of art to beauty. In Japan as well, after the Meiji Restoration, the concept of landscape played an important role in the process of modernization. Meanwhile, because the visual art of the photographic image reproduces the perspective of the artist through the camera lens, landscape has been a central theme from the beginnings of the medium until today. Finally, landscape theory made its appearance during a time of societal flux, posing the question “What is landscape?” while examining the state of the social structure and aesthetic foundations.
The radical methodology of reexamining everyday landscapes from the angle of realitxpressing, through visual arts, landscape in its relationship to culture, society, and politicxerted a powerful influence on photographers and filmmakers before and after 1970. This exhibition will reconsider the history of photography and film related to a histotion to Japanese photographic expression related to landscape theory, along with relevant documents from that time; and examine, primarily through materials from our collection, changes that have taken place in landscape and its expression, up through contemporary artists of today. Also, in the 1st floor auditorium, we will present events with contributing artists and screen films related to landscape theory, exploring the richness of the exhibition from multiple perspectives. In an era when technological advance has made it possible for everyone to capture landscapes during our daily lives, this will be an opportunity to take a new look at photography and film.

Curatorial cooperation by Hirasawa Go

1 [2000–]
2 [1970–2010] 
3 [1968–1970]
4 Origin of The Landscape Theory

Adachi Masao / Iwabuchi Susumu / Nonomura Masayuki / Yamazaki Yutaka / Sasaki Mamoru / Matsuda Masao, Oshima Nagisa, Wakamatsu Koji, Nakahira Takuma, Imai Norio, Seino Yoshiko, Takashi Toshiko, Sasaoka Keiko, Endo Maiko

*1 The online-film version of Endo maiko's X

*2 Takashi Toshiko, Itami 2009 Early Summer – Late Autumn
[Running time]
( ) Thursday and Friday
only ( )*Thursday and Friday through 8/31

*3 Adachi Masao / Iwabuchi Susumu / Nonomura Masayuki / Yamazaki Yutaka / Sasaki Mamoru / Matsuda Masao, A.K.A. Serial Killer
[Running time]
( ) Thursday and Friday
only ( )*Thursday and Friday through 8/31

Sasaoka Keiko, from the series PARK CITY, 2022, Collection of the artist

Sasaoka Keiko, from the series PARK CITY, 2022, Collection of the artist
Sasaoka Keiko, from the series PARK CITY, 2022, Collection of the artist

Endo Maiko, X, 2022, 4K Single-channel projection (HD、2K、4K), Collection of Tokyo Photographic Art Museum

Endo Maiko, X, 2022, 4K Single-channel projection (HD、2K、4K), Collection of Tokyo Photographic Art Museum

Endo Maiko, X, 2022, 4K Single-channel projection (HD、2K、4K), Collection of Tokyo Photographic Art Museum
Endo Maiko, X, 2022, 4K Single-channel projection (HD、2K、4K), Collection of Tokyo Photographic Art Museum

Nakahira Takuma, Untitled, 1968–69, Gelatin silver print, Collection of Tokyo Photographic Art Museum
Nakahira Takuma, Untitled, 1968–69, Gelatin silver print, Collection of Tokyo Photographic Art Museum

Takashi Toshiko, Itami 2006 Winter, 2006, Single-channel video, 21 min.,Collection of Tokyo Photographic Art Museum

Takashi Toshiko, Itami 2006 Winter, 2006, Single-channel video, 21 min.,Collection of Tokyo Photographic Art Museum
Takashi Toshiko, Itami 2006 Winter, 2006, Single-channel video, 21 min.,Collection of Tokyo Photographic Art Museum

Imai Norio, Abenosuji, 1977, Single-channel projection (original 8 mm), 22 min., Collection of Tokyo Photographic Art Museum
Imai Norio, Abenosuji, 1977, Single-channel projection (original 8 mm), 22 min., Collection of Tokyo Photographic Art Museum

Seino Yoshiko, Chiba, from the Series Emotional Imprintings, 1996, Chromogenic print, Collection of Tokyo Photographic Art Museum
Seino Yoshiko, Chiba, from the Series Emotional Imprintings, 1996, Chromogenic print, Collection of Tokyo Photographic Art Museum

*The schedule is subject to change. Any further changes will be announced.

Organized by Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Tokyo Photographic Art Museum operated by Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture, Nikkei Inc.
Supported by Pola Art Foundation


Screening of the exhibition artists works: Takashi Toshiko
Aug. 26 (Sat) 10:00~A
Aug. 26 (Sat) 13:00~B
Aug. 26 (Sat) 15:30~C[※]
Aug. 26 (Sat) 18:00~D

Takashi Toshiko, Itami Seies(Total of 12 works), digital (SD), Collection of Tokyo Photographic Art Museum
Itami 2005 Summer, 24 min.
Itami 2006 Winter, 21 min.
Itami 2006 Spring, 26 min.
Itami 2006 Summer, 33 min.
Itami 2006 Autumn-2007 Winter, 45 min.
Itami 2007 Spring-Early Summer, 39 min.
Itami 2007 Summer-Autumn, 25 min.
Itami 2008 Summer-Autumn, 35 min.
Itami 2008 Winter -2009 Spring, 41 min.
Itami 2009 Early summer-Late Autumn, 61 min.
Itami 2009 Winter-2010 Spring, 52 min.
Itami 2010 Spring-Summer, 29 min. 

– Talk Guest ※Takashi Toshiko (Artist), Tochigi Akira (Filmarchivist)
Itami 2006 Winter, 21 min., digital (SD), Collection of Tokyo Photographic Art Museum
Itami 2006 Winter, 21 min., digital (SD), Collection of Tokyo Photographic Art Museum
Screening of the exhibition artists works: Endo Maiko
Aug. 27 (Sun) 13:00~E
Aug. 27 (Sun) 15:00~F
Aug. 27 (Sun) 17:00~G

KUICHISAN, 2011, 76 min., Japan / USA
TECHNOLOGY, 2016, 73 min., Japan / France
TOKYO TELEPATH 2020, 2020, 49 min., Japan

*All distributed by A FOOL

KUICHISAN, 2011, 76 min., Japan / USA
KUICHISAN, 2011, 76 min., Japan / USA
Special Screening on Landscape Theory (Curator: Hirasawa Go)

Adachi Masao / Iwabuchi Susumu / Nonomura Masayuki / Yamazaki Yutaka / Sasaki Mamoru / Matsuda Masao, A.K.A. Serial Killer, 1969, 86 min., 35mm, Japan, Collection of Tokyo Photographic Art Museum
Oshima Nagisa, Tokyo Senso Sengo Hiwa (The Man Who Left His Will on Film),1970, 94 min., 35mm, Japan, Distributed by Oshima Productions Ltd.
Wakamatsu Production (Director: Adachi Masao / Wakamatsu Koji), Red Army / P.F.L.P.: Declaration of World War, 1971, 71 min., 16mm, Japan, Distributed by Wakamatsu Production
Oshima Nagisa, Boy,1969, 97 min., 35mm, Japan, Distributed by Oshima Productions Ltd.
Group Posiposi, Tenchisuijakusetsu (The Theory of the Debilitation of Heaven and Earth), 1969, 30 min., digital [original 8 mm],  Japan, Collection of the artist
Group Posiposi, Tenchisuijakusetsu Dainisho (The Theory of the Debilitation of Heaven and Earth Chapter 2), 1970, 38 min., 16mm, Japan, Collection of the artist
Aihara Nobuhiro, Fukei no Shimetsu (The Extinction of Landscape), 1971, 15 min., digital [original 8 mm], Japan, Provided by Post War Japan Moving Image Archive
Hara Masato, Hatsukuni Shirasumera Mikoto (The First Emperor), 1973, 108 min., digital [original 8mm, 16mm], Japan, Collection of the artist
NDU (Nihon Documentarist Union), Motoshinkakarannu, 1971, 94 min., digital [original 16 mm], Japan, Provided by Planet Bibliothèque de Cinéma
Takamine Go, Okinawan Dream Show, 1976, 111 min., digital [original 8 mm], Japan, Collection of the artist, Cooperation: Cinematrix
Jean-Marie Straub / Danièle Huillet, Too Early / Too Late (Trop tôt / Trop tard), 1980-81, 101 min., 16mm, France / Egypt, Provided by Kobe Fashion Museum
The Dziga Vertov Group (Jean-Luc Godard / Jean-Pierre Gorin), Lotte in Italia (Struggle in Italy), 1969, 60 min., digital [original 16mm], Italy / France, Distributed by Gomon, Provided by Mermaid Films
Jean-Luc Godard / Anne-Marie, Miéville Ici et Ailleurs (Here and Elsewhere), 1974-75, 53 min., digital [original 16 mm], France,  Distributed by Gaumont, Provided by Mermaid Films

– Talk Guest
[※1]Yamazaki Yutaka (Artist, Cinematographer)
[※2]Goto Kazuo (Artist, Filmmaker)
[※3]Hara Masato (Artist, artist)
[※4]Adachi Masao (Artist, artist)
