The Gaze of the Present
Contemporary Japanese Photography vol. 21
October 17(Thu) - January 19(Sun)
Alec Soth: A Room of Rooms
October 10(Thu) - January 19(Sun)
Iwai Toshio × Tokyo Photographic Art Museum presents The Light and Movement House with 100 Stories
― Connecting Visual Devices in the 19th Century and Media Art
July 30(Tue) - November 3(Sun)
She Digs Lost Items of the Jomon people
Oct.19- Oct.23, Oct.29- Nov.1, 2024
Photography Exhibition " Takamine Hideko Photographed by Masters"
November 9(Sat) - December 8(Sun)
The 100th anniversary of Hideko Takamine Special Masterpiece Films of Japan
November 19(Tue) - December 1(Sun)
TOP 30th Anniversary: Yebisu International Festival for Art & Alternative Visions 2025
Docs: Images and Records
January 31(Fri) - February 16(Sun)
February 18(Tue) - March 23(Sun)
TOP 30th Anniversary Takano Ryudai: kasubaba
Living through the ordinary
February 27(Thu) - June 8(Sun)
February 22(Sat) - March 9(Sun)
Robert Capa WAR
March 15(Sat) - May 11(Sun)
TOP 30th Anniversary
TOP Collection: Continuity and Change
April 5(Sat) - June 22(Sun)
TOP 30th anniversary TOP Collection: transphysical
July 3(Thu) - September 21(Sun)