Click and Hold (series)

Photo by Shintaro Yamanaka (Qsyum!)

A painting of a mouse cursor on a canvas. The canvas is mounted at an angle, but the mouse cursor remains at the same angle as on a computer screen. The piece is realized as a painting that superimposes the relationship between matter and information, focusing on the fact that while matter tilts in accordance with the laws of physics (gravity), and information space is not affected by it. When the work was presented at exonemo's solo exhibition "LO" (WAITINGROOM, Tokyo) in 2019, the idea of coordinates and nails were added, and a method of painting the cursor at the correct angle after the canvas was tilted naturally by hammering the nail into the position of the coordinates on the canvas corresponding to the coordinates where the painting is mounted on the wall was introduced. A signature, the coordinates, and the resolution are hand-painted on the lower right corner of the canvas (not necessarily the lower right corner after the canvas is tilted). In the same year, at the solo exhibition "U&I" (NOWHERE, NY), the work was installed on a 15m x 4m wall with 24 randomly generated dots and sizes of canvases, but a water leak damaged almost all the canvases from the upper floor during the exhibition, and water streaks caused by gravity were added to the canvases.